Irish Child Bereavement Network
Tel: 01 6793223
Supporting parents after bereavement
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: Photographers
A free professional photography service especially for families facing the untimely death of their baby. Remembrance photography is a very important step in the healing process. This wonderful service is available for free for Irish families.
Laura Lynn House
The Laura Lynn hospice is the first hospice in Ireland to offer services to children with life-limiting conditions. Parents can avail of support in bringing children home from hospital after birth, medical care at home, and end-of-life care.
Tel: 01 2893151
SOFT Ireland
Set up by parents for parents of Trisomy children, SOFT, the Support Organisation for Trisomy, in Ireland, is a voluntary group dedicated to providing support for families of children born with Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13), Edwards’ Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and related chromosomal disorders. Support is provided during prenatal diagnosis, during the child’s life and after the child’s passing.
Tel: 1800 213 218
Féileacáin (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland – SANDAI) is a non profit organisation that aims to offer support to anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after. Féileacáin provide hospitals with memory boxes to be given to bereaved families.
Irish Neonatal Health Alliance
Tel: 085 192 0602
Irish Hospice Maternity Network
Tel: 085 192 0602
International Trisomy Alliance
We are a volunteer, not-for-profit organization focusing on trisomy 13 and trisomy 18, (also known as Patau and Edwards syndromes respectively). Our mission is to offer trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 support groups, physicians and other professionals, accurate information and resources, and to be a mechanism for sharing between groups.
Perinatal Hospice
A wonderful support service for families facing a poor diagnosis for their baby. The perinatal hospice service gives parents the gift of time by offering the best possible medical and professional support to everyone involved, and allowing parents to create precious memories of their time with their special children.
Information about the life-limiting condition, anencephaly, which arises while the child is in the womb. Help is offered for affected parents, caregivers, family and friends.
Be not afraid is an online outreach to parents who have received a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis. There are many inspiring stories of children whose short lives touched so many people.
TAG – Trisomy Advocacy Group
Trisomy Advocacy Group (TAG) is an organization advocating for the Trisomy community by empowering families and the medical community to make informed decisions regarding the care of Trisomy children.
Every Life Counts
Every Life Counts is a support network for families whose child is diagnosed with a Life Limiting Condition. It currently comprises of over 54 families and that is growing all the time.
Norwegian Association for Children’s Palliative Care
The Norwegian Assocation for Children’s Palliative Care works purposefully to ensure that all children with life-threatening illness or life-limiting condition and their family have the right and access to adapted child palliative care – soothing treatment and care in the home, in the hospital or in hospice!
The organization has a holistic view of humanity.

Perinatal Hospice Care is firstly a philosophy of care and an approach to medicine. READ MORE

Perinatal Care Team
Perinatal Hospice Care is not something that is delivered by one person or even one specialty. READ MORE

Support Organisations
This is where you can get help and support if you receive a diagnois for your baby READ MORE

Philosophy of Care
This care is a type of medical care, designed to care for those families who are given such heartbreaking news. READ MORE
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